Monday, November 27, 2006

A Note About the Previous Blog...

I had planned on blogging about my "Thanksliving" weekend, and I will get to that, but first I'd like to say a bit about a film I just watched. America: Freedom to Fascism is one man's opinion.

Or the opinion of the small group of people who made the film, perhaps.

My point is that every film produced, every news story reported, every book published has its perspective - the author's opinion. Granted they are often filled with facts, at least the reputable ones are, but ultimately it is we who decide what is the truth. And that is the reason I have posted the film in this blog. To give you the opportunity to hear this opinion, think about what you consider to be true and become empowered to take action - whatever action you feel resonates with your truth.

Just for clarity, I've left intact the words that came over from the website underneath the video viewer. The use of the word 'we' in the final paragraph refers to the producers of the film, not the author of this blog (me, that is...).

I am grateful for having seen the film. There were a few issues raised of which I was unaware. I encourage you to watch the film, if you haven't seen it already, then surf the web to research the articles presenting opposing viewpoints as well, to get a more rounded base of knowledge, particularly on the issue of the Federal Reserve.

I believe the time has come when the nation ought to debate the resourcefulness of the decision to grant power to the Federal Reserve. Is it truly in the best interest of this country to hand that power to a select group of individuals, and pay handsomely for the 'privilege'?

Regardless of whether your answer is Yes or No, I urge you to make a choice and stand up for it and I am interested to hear your feedback on that question. Thanks.

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