Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NYC Raw Food Meetup Group Event: Dinner and a Movie - "The Fall"

This Saturday the NYC Raw Food Meetup will have another exciting event. I've listed the basic info below and included a link for full details. If you are in NYC this weekend, feel free to join us! Just let me know and I'll put you on the list.

Announcing the NYC Raw Food Meetup Group Dinner and a Movie:

The Fall

"Each shot of film looks like a beautiful painting. Tarsem Singh is one gifted filmmaker and I hope we see more of his work in the near future."

"The Fall engages the viewer and makes for an emotional yet satisfying ride. Lee Pace is fantastic- Catinca Untaru gives a spectacular performance. The visuals will take your breath away, and the music will stay with you long after you've left the theater. A magnificent piece of filmmaking."

"It's a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale based around a personal tragedy. It shares a lot with films like "The Princess Bride". It is enjoyable, well-played and shot.."

"GO see it! Stop reading reviews, don't watch trailer-just be open and check it-arsty, smart, original! left me with a big smile :)"

Synopsis: (See Meetup details)

After the film, we'll go to nearby at Caravan of Dreams (405 E. 6th Street, between 1st Ave./Ave. A) for a delicious dinner and conversation!

Please note: Advanced tickets are Now Available for 4:50 pm Showtime. Click here now.

I look forward to seeing you there!

PS: "The Children of Huang Shi" was very moving! If you didn't see it with us, definitely check it out.

Click here to visit the Meetup website for full details.

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