The past two weeks have probably been some of the most intense of our lives and we are finally finding the time to share it all with you.
August 20th was the big day - a beautiful little baby girl. The birth was unassisted and completely natural. No bright lights, no rough handling and no medications - just the way we intended it. Only the two of us were present and we made sure the atmosphere was right to well receive this little being into our world. The pregnancy itself also was natural and of course, entirely raw. No supplements were necessary as blood tests showed excellent results all along.
The labor phase coincided with the passage of hurricane Dean just 100 miles North of us. Between the strong winds, heavy rain and thunder outside from Dean's outskirts and inside, the delivering mother entering into a phase of intense movement while standing resembling an african dance, the entire scene became quite surreal. The more the energy inside and outside became intense, the faster was the progression of labor. By 5:05PM our baby was born with one big push. She was able to nurse right after birth with her umbilical cord still attached allowing for a smooth transition from life in the womb into the world.
I love hearing how magical and beautiful the experience of childbirth can be - when it isn't interfered with by "modern" methods. I send my love to the new parents and child and wish them all the best on this new phase of their journey.
Do you have any personal experience with natural childbirth? I'd love to hear your story.
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