Friday, August 13, 2010

Great reviews! And there's a performance tonight at 8pm!!

Hi! We got some great reviews for both As You Like It and Triumph of Love! Here's some highlights:

For As You Like It:
“…a group of talented performers… serve as a nice reminder that audiences can still be wowed with simply some phenomenal actors and text.” -

“The entire cast is to be commended for making such magic in such a tiny space… a real treat for the audience.” -

For Triumph of Love:
“The Triumph of Love stands as a good example of what great acting and direction can do for a good play.” -

“Overall, the production is very captivating.” -

“Intuitive, smart direction is enhanced by some very thoughtful acting. Le Triomphe indeed!” -

Although As You Like It has closed, Triumph of Love is running for 3 more weekends. Come see what the buzz is about!

Triumph of Love

Aug. 13, 19, 21, 27 @ 8pm; Aug. 14, 28 @ 2pm; Aug. 15, 29 @ 7pm

Nicu's Spoon Theatre
38 West 38th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10163
(Bet. 5th Ave. and Avenue of Americas)
Enter discount code: ROBERT